Our approach focuses on engagement and inclusion in alignment with company values and people metrics which is tracked against business performance. We ensure that engagement is measured continually, allowing leaders to act in the moment. The platform measures employee engagement through investigative and comprehensive pulse surveys and simple yet powerful analytics. From these, we can provide organisations with a clear idea of exactly where their engagement problems lie and provide recommendations on how to improve them through analysing quantitative and qualitative data.
Our engagement model looks at engagement across a range of areas: surveys relating to the employee life cycle, business topics and events that may impact engagement. It measures well-being daily, culture quarterly and inclusion annually and provides quarterly engagement scores for individuals, teams and the organisation. This score is mapped against inclusion, mental well-being and the agreed people and business metrics for the organisation. Understanding the variables that correlate with engagement allows an organisation to identify trends, insights and most importantly action plans that are most likely to result in increased employee engagement.